Friday, October 12, 2007

What happens when the universe speaks

Today, I remembered a class that I took about 2 years ago. The prof, an unapologetic narcissistic daft dink, decided to prove the nonexistence of a god by showing us an audio of rain on Titan, one of the moons of Saturn. There was a student sitting to my right that interjected right around the, "And so you see mankind has to create a concept of "god" in order to keep themselves" by standing up and saying, "This is the creepiest thing I have ever heard". The sound bite is an audio recording on the surface of Titan. It has been said that if God could tell a joke we would die from laughter. Well, if God told a scary story this would be the soundtrack.

This is all beside the point. Watch this movie about Enceladus and this movie about Titan too.

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