Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mars on Ice

Water on mars is old news. We all suspected it. What does this mean for the future of the world? I think, we as christian need to get a jump start on the idea that space travel is an inevitable step in the future history of humanity. We must place the flag of the trinity on hardened red rock soil of mars. Our children must be then astronauts of inter planetary travel and thought instead of the red fascist flag of Darwin and his white lab coated minions stepping in toe to the beat of bologna.

Hear the call of war trumpets! Listen to our advisories! Picture a destitute world ripe for nothing but research. Now imagine that the only people that live carry an ideology that rips Christ from everything and replaces Him with atoms molecules. Let us be just a vigilant on our criticism of Darwinist explanation of Mars. If we ignore the red planet, we will give up a large part of land to the red flag ideology.

With all this said, we should keep in mind that God died for the sins of the universe.